Webinar-Ankündigung über die Verbesserung der Lieferkettenleistung mittels Industriellem IoT und Asset-Tracking am 19. Mai 2022, 15 Uhr CEST.

Webinar: Improve Supply Chain Performance with Industrial IoT and Asset Tracking

How asset tracking is reshaping inventory management and supply chain performance

Today’s asset tracking technologies provide effective means to improve inventory management, monitor shipments in real time, more accurately predict demand to better manage potential shortages, and improve overall supply chain performance.

Join our one-hour webinar on 5/19/2022 to learn how ST and BOX ID can help you choose the right asset tracking technology and data analytics platform to accelerate your digital transformation projects.

We will explain the benefits of using asset tracking technologies in the supply chain, address the challenges companies face, and demonstrate how solutions from ST and BOX ID can improve supply chain performance by more than 20%.

Matthias Piekarczyk

Head of Sales

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News Publishing

Meet the BOX ID team

In 2024, the BOX ID experts join the following exhibitions with a booth to present their innovations in the BOX ID load carrier management &

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