Shipment monitoring

BOX ID Shipment Monitoring tracks your critical shipments globally and in real time.

Challenges in Shipment Tracking

Real-time updates

Providing real-time information on the status of a shipment is crucial but not always easy. The lack of up-to-date data can lead to incorrect expectations and uncertainties for customers.


To keep pace with increasing data and shipment volumes, many steps need to be automated to improve processes that can be scaled without performance losses.

Loss or Damage

Loss or damage of shipments is a significant threat where real-time tracking of good can help.

Inaccurate Data

Missing or inaccurate data can lead to incorrect status updates resulting in misunderstandings, delayed deliveries, and customer dissatisfaction.

Data Volume and Analysis

The management and effective use of the large data volumes generated by shipments and numerous deliveries places high demands on analytical capabilities and data management.

Customer Communication

Effective communication with customers about delays, changes in shipment status, or other issues requires clear processes and technologies. Here, BOX ID offers a solution.

Track your Critical Transports across all modalities – whether by Truck, Rail, Air, or Sea

Verschiedene Transportmittel darunter Schiffe, Lkw und Flugzeuge symbolisieren die Lieferkette von BOX-ID.

Use Cases of Our Logistics Software

High-value goods, construction items, operational material and components often require end-to-end monitoring in the supply chain process. With BOX ID’s shipment tracking software, you can precisely track the shipping process of orders, including the delivery of packages, containers, and materials at both national and international levels.
Flugzeugtriebwerk auf Prüfstand, Detailansicht der Turbinenschaufeln und Motorkomponenten.

High-Value, Critical Spare Parts

Minimize downtime by continuously tracking the status of deliveries.

Lagerhalle mit offenen Schiffscontainern voller gestapelter roter Fässer auf Paletten für Chemikalien.

Sensitive Chemicals

Continuous monitoring ensures the quality and safety throughout the logistics chain of chemical products.

Techniker arbeiten an der Gondel eines Windrades, unterstützt durch einen Kran, unter blauem Himmel.

Influx of Components at Construction Site Assemblies

Ensure precise delivery of components to maximize efficiency on the construction site and prevent downtime.

Gabelstapler lädt Kisten mit frischem Pazifik-Thunfisch in einem Lagerhaus.

Valuable or Temperature-Sensitive Foods

Ensure a continuous cold chain for fresh and high-quality foods at every step of the way.

Person hält einen Karton mit Apple-Logo, Barcode und Aufschrift "Manufacturer", "Model", "Serial number".

High-Value Electronics

Monitoring to ensure safe transport and precise delivery of sensitive electronics.

Holzkiste mit mehreren Flaschen wertvollen Weins, teils offen zum Einblick, auf elegantem Hintergrund.

Luxury Items

Quality assurance during the transport of luxury items by checking routes and deadlines.

The solution approach

IoT Sensors for Global Shipment Tracking

The integration of innovative IoT sensors with the BOX ID Software for Shipment Monitoring allows for real-time global tracking of shipments, ensuring complete transparency throughout the entire shipping route.

Paper-thin and with the size of a credit card, the smart label can be attached to shipments easily. At the push of a button, information about the dwell time or entries into different zones can be accessed.

The label requires no special declaration and is approved for use in air freight worldwide by numerous airlines such as Lufthansa or Delta Airlines.

Kartendarstellung einer globalen Sendungsverfolgung mit Temperaturverlaufsdokumentation über den Atlantik.

The answer from BOX ID

Intelligent Software for Global Shipment Tracking

The BOX ID Tracking Software offers numerous features that provide comprehensive support for automated tracking of your shipments. This begins with ‘pairing’, the assignment of a shipment to an IoT sensor. 

You then define the routes, allowing you to seamlessly track the paths your shipments take. Any deviations from the planned routes are quickly identified. 

Whether it’s updates on the shipment or electronic proof of delivery – important information can be shared individually and easily with users or customers.

Smart Shipment Monitoring by BOX ID – Your Real-Time Tracking for Valuable Shipments

In a world where every second counts, BOX ID offers you a certified and globally applicable solution for seamless shipment tracking with Smart Shipment Monitoring.

Benefit from:
Diagramm des BOX-ID-Systems für Asset-Management, zeigt Datenerfassung, IoT-Konnektivität, Datenintelligenz und Geschäftswert.
Porträt von Matthias Piekarczyk, lächelnder Mann in weißem Hemd vor unscharfem Bürohintergrund.
Matthias Piekarczyk

Head of Sales

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Do you have a specific inquiry or would you like to learn more about our product and your options? We are happy to answer your questions in a personal conversation.

Strong Partners for Your Success

Our strong collaboration with integration partners, software system houses & ERP OEMs enables a seamless integration of the software into your data landscape or an easy implementation of your individual customizations. Our constantly growing partner network also offers you worldwide support.

Glass + Windows

Inbound Material

Shipping Logistics

Kegs and Containers

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