BOX ID Data Intelligence Platform for optimal tracking and management of your assets

The BOX ID Data Intelligence Platform as a cloud service enables mobile tracking devices, but also all other sources of location data, to be managed and analyzed in an automated way.


One software that is flexible for all systems and devices

Flexibility of data usage is one of our strengths. We focus on the fusion of data not only from your physical carriers, but also from your local ident systems (ERP, MES, Telematics). We always take a technology-agnostic approach. In this way, we orchestrate the use of extremely powerful automation engines as well as online analytics tools.

Our web-based frontend in responsive design is available on both desktop and mobile devices. It is completely built on top of the API. Consequently, all functionality of the graphical is also available via API accesses.

Darstellung der BOX ID Software

BOX ID Asset Management System

The BOX ID base module enables comprehensive modeling of tracked assets and their circulations. Containers, racks and other mobile assets can be recorded with all their central data and grouped and filtered as desired. Users and tracking devices can also be managed. Hierarchical location structures can be created (e.g. location > building > hall > zone) and signals can be generated via geofencing to trigger actions.

Device Management

Any number of mobile devices (tags) can be administered in Device Management.

Asset Management

Assets can be classified as needed (e.g. container types, circuits), subdivided and stored with all relevant data.

Zones Outdoor and Indoor

Any zones, even hierarchical ones, can be created and monitored.

Low Code Automation

Extensive functions for automated processing can be configured – without programming.

BOX ID Analytics

BOX ID Analytics is based on the Asset Management System and offers comprehensive tools to analyze and monitor logistical flows. Numerous reporting functions are available to efficiently track the distribution of assets, their turnaround times and flows, even for large numbers of assets. A comprehensive REST API is also available for this purpose, with which any evaluations can be generated and transferred to other target systems (ERP or TMS systems)

Turnaround time analyses

On the basis of the round-trip time distribution, corridors can be defined that characterize normal operation.

Flow analyses

Graphical flow analyses visualize the movements between individual sites.

Activity analyses across all zones

Asset inflows and outflows can be monitored separately for each zone.

Inventory across sites

The distribution of assets is permanently recorded across all locations and can be analyzed along time.

BOX ID Business Applications

BOX ID Business Applications is a new branch of the BOX ID system. Specific industry requirements may need specific solutions. Our list of new solutions for supply chain relevant topics is continuously growing.
Stock Keeping, for example, is specifically designed for asset fleets that are used across many participants. Examples include glass racks, special load carriers and high-value pallets. The software makes it possible to automatically track usage by all participants and make it available for billing. For this purpose, all participants in the supply chain can be modeled with logical inventory accounts and the flows can also be divided into full and empty goods. Postings from the ERP can be taken into account as well as asset movements generated from sensor data. Permanent inventory monitoring ensures that bottlenecks can be detected much earlier, before there is a threat of the container supply being cut off.

Asset accounts

With the help of logical accounts, any inventory can be defined and monitored.

Inventory monitoring

Always keep an eye on your inventories – across sites, 24/7.

Logos von SAP und MHP mit Zusatz "A Porsche Company", Unternehmenspartnerschaft im Technologiebereich.

SAP Interface

Our partner MHP offers an interface to SAP EWM.

Grafik eines Netzwerks mit Zentraleinheit und Statistik, verbunden mit zwei Benutzern an Laptops.

Future Applications

We are continuously working on the next app for you. Feel free to contact us!

less shrinkage
0 %

With BOX ID, you can reduce the loss of containers and other mobile assets to near zero, on average by around 95%.

less turnaround time
0 %

With BOX ID, you can significantly reduce lead times for returnable packaging, on average by around 20%.

less tied up capital
0 %

With BOX ID, you need significantly fewer mobile assets for the same availability, on average around 15%.

Darstellung des BOX ID Systems

Various tracking technologies for your challenges

There are many types of devices for different purposes and applications. BOX ID has a pool of directly available devices for already applied solutions and enables middleware platforms to easily couple new technologies with our systems.

The perfect interface to the system you need

Special agreements around the cloud service are possible from our side. Mostly, however, they are not necessary at all, since the standard cloud service already covers a lot of needs.
You want to use your own frontend, connect the service to your system via REST API, or make a special customization? Feel free to contact us!

Aufschlüsselung des BOX ID Systems

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We will be happy to answer your questions in a joint discussion!

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