Scalable and cost efficient IoT solution for transparent supply chains worldwide

The logistics platform provider BOX ID is expanding its range of IoT-devices for tracking returnable transport packaging, mobile logistics assets and critical shipments. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with worldwide leading device makers including DigitalMatter, AOVX, KPN and SENSOS. The company is also systematically expanding its network of sales partners to ensure global customer service.

Read the press release here.

Press image: Newly added devices in BOX ID portfolio for asset tracking and worldwide shipment monitoring (clockwise, starting top left: AOVX, SENSOS, KPN IoT, DigitalMatter)

Matthias Piekarczyk

Head of Sales

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Meet the BOX ID team

In 2024, the BOX ID experts join the following exhibitions with a booth to present their innovations in the BOX ID load carrier management &

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