LPWAN for energy-efficient IoT communication

Tracking devices with LPWAN technology

Robust and durable devices with “field-proven” performance for your specific application. Our LPWAN tracking devices are specially designed to track logistical processes such as container flows or transports. We offer you the devices in a coordinated package with the BOX ID software licenses. Talk to our sales team about your specific application.

Industrielles IoT-Modul "Singletrack 3" von box-id.com, montagefertig mit QR-Code, CE-Kennzeichnung und grüner Platine.
* Device shape may differ from picture; concrete functions on request

BOX SingleTrack

A device reduced to the absolute essentials for cross-site tracking of container flows and transports in industrial logistics.

The localization takes place solely via the radio network, so that only a rough spatial resolution can be achieved here. It is therefore particularly suitable for applications that involve tracing flows across known locations.

Application examples:
Schwarzes BOX ID GPS-Tracking-Gerät mit Firmenlogo, auf weißer Oberfläche, zur Sendungsverfolgung.
* Device shape may differ from picture; concrete functions on request

BOX DoubleTrack

A cost-effective and powerful device for tracking container flows and transports in industrial logistics across locations.

With WiFi-based localization, the BOX DoubleTrack achieves high levels of accuracy inside and outside of buildings in populated areas. It is therefore ideally suited for process monitoring in all aspects of inbound and outbound logistics.

Application examples:
Schwarzes BOX ID Gerät zur Objektverfolgung mit Firmenlogo und Hinweis auf Manipulationssicherheit.
* Device shape may differ from picture; concrete functions on request

BOX TripleTrack

A cost-effective and powerful device for tracking racks, skids, trailers and other mobile assets.

With WiFi-based positioning, the BOX TripleTrack can also be securely located in buildings. In addition, GPS outdoors ensures meter-precise positioning. The device is therefore very well suited for applications that include construction sites or large open spaces.

Application examples:

BOX Smart RTP – Individual adaptation to your containers

For manufacturers and poolers of containers, trolleys, pallets, kegs and other reusable transport packaging (RTP), we offer the option of designing the hardware for installation in the containers. In particular, if the sensors can already be installed in the container during production, there is usually great potential for cost savings due to the omission of the housing and the subsequent assembly.

LPWAN integrations with our partners

In addition to the aforementioned devices, we support a large number of other LPWAN tracking devices through software interfaces (BOX ID Ready). You can purchase these devices from our partners and use them with the BOX ID software.

Logo von Unaconnect mit stilisiertem "una" in Schwarz und "connect" in Orange, Akzent durch gelben Pfeil.

UnaConnect – Middleware Platform for IoT Device Management

UnaConnect is an IoT device management platform and middleware developed by UnaBiz. It offers interfaces to more than 100 LPWAN devices for tracking and distributed data acquisition via Sigfox, LoRa and NB/LTE-M. The BOX ID software has an integration of UnaConnect. All device types supported in UnaConnect can be used in the BOX ID software.

Logo von Astrocast mit stilisiertem Planetenring und orangefarbenem Akzent.

Astrocast - satellite-based IoT communication service

There are applications that also require global connections away from terrestrial radio networks – for example in container shipping or in wind turbine construction. In these cases we work with the satellite-based IoT communication service Astrocast. The BOX ID software supports the first Astrocast-based devices. You can obtain these from partners and use them in the BOX ID software.

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